Request for Help From GCHA President, Steve Kehoe (8-13-14):

It has come to my attention that Ralph is doing more than his fair share of conducting tournaments.  3-wall cutthroat, 4-wall Cutthroat October 11th, Family Affair November 15th, All Dudes Day December 13th. He is getting tired and getting old.  (When you are 83…you will know what I mean.)  He needs help.  He needs players to takeover each one of the tournaments.  So now it is time for four players to step forward and accept the responsibility and the fun of running these tournaments. I promise that Ralph will explain the background of each tournament and give advice and paperwork. You will not have to start from scratch.  You will have a more-or-less free hand to make changes with the consent of the GCHA Board.  For more information call Ralph… 521-1536 or e-mail to